COVID-19 Resources

To say that these past several weeks have been life-changing would be quite the understatement for our organization.

However, we want to overstate how seriously we’re taking the ever-evolving dynamic of our shared community that has been ravaged by the current COVID-19 pandemic.

As we constantly grapple with what these impending changes signify for our personal and professional lives, and for our loved ones, we’re working to continue providing helpful information and resources to our members as updates come through.

Check this page for regular news and updates related to key areas below. Updated May 29, 2020.

Financial Assistance for Undocumented Community Members

LEAD Filipino is proud to announce that our organization was selected as one of the grantees for Destination: Home’s COVID-19 Financial Assistance Grant, which is a partnership with the City of San Jose and Sacred Heart Community Services.

Undocumented community members contribute to the rich tapestry of our livelihoods and neighborhoods, yet during these tenuous economic and social times, aren’t eligible to receive unemployment or federal assistance. To help support our community members, we’re able to help eligible individuals and families with additional cash support of $1,000/per household.

For more information, please contact

Financial Assistance for
Undocumented Community Members

LEAD Filipino has a limited funds to provide to low-income undocumented community members that live in Santa Clara County and have suffered from lost income since the pandemic hit.

If you – or someone you know – could benefit from additional financial assistance, please contact us today.

Community Resources & Guides

Selected COVID-19 Press Clips:
Updated 6.9.2020

There have been 122,890 lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in California to date, including 4,453 deaths. Of those cases, 14,757 cases are in the Bay Area, including 452 deaths.

In great news for reopening, the nine county Bay Area numbers released yesterday evening reported zero deaths due to the coronavirus. It’s the Bay Area’s first day with no new deaths since the nine counties reported no increase on consecutive days May 18 and 19. 

California State Governor Gavin Newsom announces 4-Stage Plan to Re-Open the State’s Economy.

Santa Clara County has experienced 1,833 positive cases, with 69 deaths.


  • Stanford has developed the first antibody test to see if those who have tested positive for the virus have built up immunity. The test will be given to health care workers that have tested positive. 
  • There are 1,285 confirmed cases in SCC with 61 deaths and 589 confirmed cases in San Mateo County with 21 deaths.

The County of Santa Clara develops a dashboard, which includes hospital and lab testing data.

Santa Clara County passes moratorium on banning evictions during coronavirus outbreak
City of San Jose Eviction Moratorium

San Francisco Bay Area News

Bay Area school closures to extend till May 1st
Shelter-in-place orders extended through end of May in 6 Bay Area Counties

State of California

Governor Newsom announces that 6 indicators need to be reached before state can begin road to reopening.

California’s peak might be lowered than expected (SJ Mercury)

11,187 confirmed COVID-19 cases in California, 2,000 patients in hospital and 800 in ICU (San Jose Mercury)

Governor Newsom believes shelter-in -place could last 6-8 weeks
1 million Californians file for unemployment amid coronavirus closures


Gilead Sciences’ data suggests that COVID-19 patients respond positively to treatment.

SBA says popular small business rescue program officially out of money.

The CDC has released revised guidelines for essential workers that might be asymptomatic.

The White House now urges Americans to wear face masks when leaving their homes (Washington Post)

Senate passes historic $2 trillion stimulus package, House now decides
U.S. to have second highest number of coronavirus cases in the world